On the road again

Oh god where to start, happily not blogged anything for years…..

so Roy, a friend has a brother lives in the arse end of Australia , I mean you don’t know it, port Elizabeth, he has a dream to cycle the Danube, fair enough his dream, go for it…has persuaded my friend to go along. This is a while ago, friend rings me says, yeah I am cycling up the Danube donau, and would you like to meet up afterwards to drive through the Italian alps in my Alfa Romeo gtv6, which has always been, my dream.
Me in my naive point of view, yeah alright.

Now actually arriving where we are, vaguely, Sunday woke up to shit weather at about 5:30, thought fuck this, looked for moia, no, rang a taxi, ordered one for 07:10, got that, and got a train.
Unbelievable was on time, stayed on time and a mere 6 hours later I was in Plattling.
Meanwhile Roy and his brother who were cycling to Vienna, were behind schedule, were already supposed to have been there, Roy calls me on the Friday/saturday and ist not happy, the three day trip has turned into four, and no longer interesting, this organisation has now been sorted Saturday evening, daughter is not impressed with the planning.
Anyway we met in Plattling on Sunday afternoon, looked at a map and said Italian alps great, let’s go to Budvar in the opposite direction , not called that now but unable to spell it.
Got to Budvar after a while, found a pub/hostel, went to the local best restaurant, got there at 21:01, kitchen shuts at 21:00, hmmm bollocks, still nice big screen there for the football. Found a kebab place, ate a kebab, go back to the restaurant, oh no sorry we are closing, with still an hour no football….wtf

So went back to our hostel/bar drank beer watched football on the iPad,after a lot of original Budvar, went to sleep in our great room

Next morning had a shower, and started our great planning Croatia, Italy, slovani, Austria,

good everything is planed  .

This was Sunday will catch up tomorrow



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